Integrate from the early design stage all the project data and provide the client with the correct answers adapted to its needs



The design of large projects is setec tpi’s working essence, both in France and internationally.

setec tpi provides all the design services, from the very early project stages (feasibility and option designs) all the way through its detailing (preliminary design, detailed design) as well as the preparation and management of project execution works’ contracts.


Think ahead in order to make the best choices


From the start of the project, setec tpi accompanies its clients in order to make the most effective decisions. This is the key to manage the risks and ensure the project’s success.

The multidisciplinary nature of our services and expertise allows us to manage the projects from a global perspective and advise our clients in their projects’ positioning and development strategies. setec tpi intervenes at different levels and scales of any project, from the early questioning, the design or the strategy analysis.

From the concept to the detail


Detail calculations and design require a specific focus on:

  • The good application of the technical decisions made during the earlier schematic design phases of the project. Value engineering and design optimisations are also applied, always under an effective programme management.
  • The application of standards and good practice advices when it comes to choices of references and specifications. The projects’ environmental impacts are also being taken care of during this phase (eco-design, optimisation of natural resources).
  • The effective coordination between all the disciplines involved in the project with an eye on the technical elements involved in the other phases (facilities, secondary structures, …)

This key-phase substantiates the materialisation of the choices already made and allows the client to have a deeper understanding and confirmation of its budget, planning and the impacts of the project.



We guarantee the quality of our calculations by using internally developed softwares (Pythagore, Express’Air) or by others (Ansys®, FDS®) that are fully mastered by our engineers.


From the calculations to the execution


setec tpi accompanies and advises its clients during the contract preparation and signing phases: contract type, specific clauses, financial challenges and risks, technical deliveries’ requirements, clauses related to the planning and its milestones (if any), …

Our engineers’ experience in the management of complex projects is fully exploited at the contracting stage, as well as during the bidding, in order to better advise our clients.


Iconic projects


The setec group has been involved in several of the largest infrastructure and territory projects in France such as the English Channel tunnel, Fréjus tunnel or the Millau viaduct. Nowadays, we work on the Grand Paris project, the high-speed railway link between Lyon and Turin, the high-gage Seine – Nord Europe channel or the tunnel under the Gibraltar strait.



©setec tpi 


TER Dakar - Sénégal

Le projet du TER de Dakar consiste à créer une ligne de transport de voyageurs entre la gare centrale de Dakar et le nouvel Aéroport International Blaise Diagne (AIBD).

55 km entre Dakar central et le nouvel aéroport (AIBD); 
60 Ouvrages d'art : 16 PRA ; 30 Passerelles et 14 PRO. 36 km d’aménagement de ligne existante et 19 km de ligne nouvelle ; 11 nouvelles gares à créer et 1 ouvrage ferroviaire saut de mouton.

©setec tpi


Tours Sisters

  • études d’avant-projet : APS / APD de la tour et avant-projet d’ouvrage d’art pour la couverture,
  • réalisation du dossier de consultation des entreprises pour la partie structure,
  • suivi des travaux et le visa des plans d’exécution,
  • l'ensemble des plans de structure de la tour sont produits à l'aide d'un modèle 3D développé sous


©2Portzamparc/L’Autre Image/EPADESA/Richez et associés





Prolongement Ouest du RER E-EOLE

Le prolongement du RER E à l'Ouest permettra de relier la gare d'Haussmann Saint-Lazare à Mantes-la-Jolie en passant par La Défense et Poissy. Ce projet a de multiples intérêts, il désengorgera le RER A, il améliorera l'accessibilité de la Seine-Aval ainsi que la desserte des gares du Nord et de l'Est, ainsi que de l'aéroport Charles de Gaulle.


©Anne-Claude Barbier pour setec tpi